For your daily range of vision
LuxSmartTM is the premium intraocular lens designed for providing distance and intermediate continuous vision with potentially similar dysphotopsia profile as a monofocal, thanks to its Pure Refractive Optics Technology.

Intermediate Vision Matters
The LuxSmartTM IOL by Bausch + Lomb aims to deliver outcomes that truly matter to you and your patients by providing an extended range of vision.

Useful range of vision comparison of experimental Through-focus MTFa and predicted defocus range for LuxSmartTM (Bausch + Lomb) and AcrysofTM IQ VivityTM (Alcon)1
For defocus values where the MTFa value is ≥ 20, the expected visual acuity would be around 0.0 logMAR.2,3,4
1. Comparative optical bench analysis of a new extended range of vision intraocular lens. Juan Antonio Azor, Fidel Vega, Jesus Armengol, Maria S. Millan Grupo de Optica Aplicada y Procesado de Imagen (GOAPI). Department of Optics and Optometry Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BARCELONATECH
2. Visual acuity of pseudophakic patients predicted from in-vitro measurements of intraocular lenses with different design. F. Vega et al. Biomed. Opt. Express 9, 4893-4906 (2018).
3. Preclinical metrics to predict through-focus visual acuity for pseudophakic patients. A. Alarcon et al. Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 1877-1888 (2016).
4. Equivalence of two optical quality metrics to predict the visual acuity of multifocal pseudophakic patients. J. Armengol et al. Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 2818-2829 (2020).